CryptBunny is an image that covers all the major variations of the rabbit.
CryptBunny は、うさぎの主要バリエーションを網羅した画像です。
If you have a rabbit, please use it as an icon for your SNS🐰
うさぎを飼っている方の SNSのアイコンなどにお使いください🐰
# Description
This is a collection for rabbit owners, presented by Rabbit Pro(※).
うさぎプロ(※) が贈る、うさぎ飼い主のためのコレクションです。
This is a collection of images of the major variations of rabbits that are recognized by the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association).
ARBA "American Rabbit Breeders Association" の公認品種であるうさぎのバリエーションのうち、主要なものを画像化しています。
The collection is limited in number; we are not forcing more variations for the sake of NFT art.
※Rabbit Pro🐰Jun Akita - "Rabbit Programmer" who creates the world of rabbits.
※うさプロ🐰あきたじゅん 〜うさぎの世界を創る "うさぎプログラマー"
# Note
All of these rabbit images are handmade.
Currently, we only have images of the "droopy-eared Holland Lop" as a type of rabbit. We are planning to add "standing eared Netherland Dwarf" in the future.
# Persistence
The crown and other parts are reproduced in small dots.
If you like rabbits, you'll know that CryptBunny is made by someone who understands rabbits.
あなたがうさぎ好きであれば、CryptBunny はうさぎを分かっている者が作っているとわかるでしょう。
# Price
The price has been set at a small amount to make it accessible.
However, the price will depend on the value of Ethereum, so please check the price on the purchase site.
ただし Ethereum の価値に左右されますので、価格は購入サイト上でご確認ください。